Thursday, May 7, 2009

Natural Breathing

· The Tao of Natural Breathing:

o Our inhalation and exhalation cycle

o is 12-14 times a minute when we are awake

o 6-8 times a minute when we are asleep.

o A baby breathes at about twice these rates.

o Breath have its regular cycle, it can change radically with different activities.

§ After extreme physical activity it can go up to 100 times a minute.

§ But serious and correct breathers can breathe four to eight times a minute, as they take in more oxygen and expel more carbon dioxide with each exhalation and inhalation.

· Patanjali Yoga Sutra

o This is the Three Step Rhythmic Breathing (3 SRB)—

o Three steps being:

1. Technique

2. Volume

3. Rhythm.

o In 3 SRB,

§ The chest and abdomen have to rise and fall simultaneously

§ Lungs filled to normal capacity

o The correct rhythm followed, involving

§ 3 Seconds to inhale

§ 2 Seconds to exhale.

o Contents of air

1. A life-sustaining force in the air

2. oxygen

3. nitrogen

4. carbon dioxide

5. Taoists also discovered ions—floating charged particles.

o The air high up in the mountains has the maximum concentration of ions.

o That is why, apart from the serenity and isolation, many Taoists lived in the mountains of China.

o The most important are negative ions, which supply the electric current within our body's cells.

o In the cities nowadays, these ions are depleted by pollution and constricting spaces. Any depletion in these negative ions makes us weak and depressed.

o Research has shown that ionizers in space capsules keep the astronauts alert and energized.Evidently, the movement of breath regulates the body.

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