Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Chandrayaan sends images of Apollo 15 landing

A camera on board India's maiden unmanned lunar mission Chandrayaan-1 has recorded images of the landing site of US spacecraft Apollo 15,

  • The Terrain mapper camera on board Chandrayaan-1 has sent the prints of landing site of Apollo 15
  • Tracks of the lunar rovers used by astronauts to travel on lunar surface
    "The images captured by hyper spectral camera fitted as a part of Chandrayaan-1 image payload has reconfirmed the veracity of Apollo 15 mission,"
  • The Chandrayaan-1 images have disproved the theory of conspiracy which had claimed that the Apollo 15 was a hoax, he said.
  • "Chandrayaan has managed to identify the landing site used by the Apollo 15 shuttle on the basis of the disturbances on the moon's surface
  • "Our images also show tracks left behind by the lunar rovers which were used by the astronauts to travel on the moon's surface
  • Since lunar dust is dark, the disturbances left behind by the spacecraft and the rovers are easily distinguishable. "The disturbed surface is bright
  • However, Chandrayaan's camera could not capture the images of footprint left behind by the first astronaut on moon, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, because of its low resolution capability,
    that such an image is possible for a Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter armed with high resolution camera launched into space by NASA.

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